
A Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Seurat's Pointillism

Hui-lin Yang     Chuan-kai Yang
Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab., NTUST




  摘 要

  擬真著色(photorealistic rendering)在電腦圖學領域己有數十年的歷史,而非擬真著色(non-photorealistic rendering)則是近十年來才開始蓬勃發展並應用在各個領域,非擬真著色的普及可歸因於其演算的簡單性,以及輸出結果具有藝術與簡潔的特質,至於擬真著色的演算法則大多較複雜且講求細節,容易模糊對物件的觀察焦點。基於相同的想法,印象派(impressionism)的繪畫聚焦於傳達光影之間的互動效果,而非細部的強調。近年來,有許多的研究成功地使用電腦模擬印象派的繪畫,其中有些更是聲稱他們所提出的方法可以概括性地模仿印象派中各種不同的風格。在印象派眾多的風格中,我們對於點描派(pointillism)特別地感興趣,尤其是對奠定點描派基礎的喬治‧秀拉(Georges-Pierre Seurat)。為了成功地模擬秀拉的繪畫風格,我們仔細觀察秀拉的畫作並從中擷取出重要的特徵,如:秀拉所使用的基本色彩、點的大小、光暈與補色效果等,我們所提出的方法可以成功地模擬這些特徵,本篇論文最後會將我們的結果與秀拉的畫作以及前人的研究做比較。



     While pursuing photorealistic rendering has been the main purpose in the computer graphics society for several decades, non-photorealistic rendering, formally appeared about a decade ago, has also found its use in numerous applications. The popularity of non-photorealism can be mainly attributed to its simplicity, which as a result leads to aesthetics and succinctness. Reality often presents too many details and too much complexity, thus offsetting the observation of the essence of objects. Based on a similar belief, impressionism focuses primarily on conveying the interaction of lights and shadows, without emphasizing the fine details of a scene. In recent years, there have been several successful researches on simulating impressionism with computers, and some of them claimed themselves capable of mimicking different styles of impressionism. Among the various styles of impressionism, we are particularly interested in simulating the style of pointillism, especially the style presented by Georges-Pierre Seurat, as he was deemed the founder of pointillism. To achieve simulating Seurat’s painting style, we made careful observations on all accessible Seurat’s paintings and extract from them some important features, such as the few primitive colors, point sizes, and the effects of complementary colors and halos. These features have been successfully simulated and results are compared with not only Seurat’s existing paintings, but also with previous attempted simulations.



Thesis: PDF, PPT
Computer Graphics Workshop: PDF, PPT